Devin Shea

Delegation gamechanger with Impact Charters

  • Posted 1 year ago

Have you ever wanted to free yourself from micromanaging your team?

I mean, not just passing off a couple tasks to a VA. But actually feel like you can delegate whole projects and feel secure passing the reigns on an entire new project and the outcomes that you want?

We use a framework called the Impact Charter, to put everything they need in one place so you can make sure you’re all transparently on the same page, and you can discuss any issues or opportunities before the sh*t hit’s the fan.

If you’re familiar with traditional project management, you may have used or come across a project charter.

It’s a useful document to get buy in from all the various parties involved, but we can take it a step further.

That’s why we came up with the Impact Charter.

The Impact Charter is a new take, instead of focusing on what needs to be done, it’s focused on why it’s important and the actual “impact” taking action is supposed to have.

It’s outcome-oriented work management.

Here’s the framework for a basic Impact Charter.

It’s a little wonky on Skool, so if you want a deeper explanation and a template, let me know in the comments.

  1. Project Summary: Identify the primary ‘job’ that the project is being ‘hired’ to do. Your project name should reflect this. The summary should explain why this ‘job’ is important.
  2. Impact Hypothesis: Formulate hypotheses about how accomplishing the ‘job’ will impact the users or beneficiaries.
  3. Champions: Determine who will be the champion for the ‘job’ to be done and ensure they understand their role in fulfilling it.
  4. North Star: This should embody the ultimate outcome that users or beneficiaries hope to achieve when the ‘job’ is done well.
  5. Guidance System: The goals should guide how the ‘job’ is going to be done and what steps will be taken to achieve it.
  6. Signals: Identify the signals that will indicate whether you’re progressing toward completing the ‘job’. These should include both quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (non-numerical) measures.
  7. Context & Insights: Take into account the environment and context in which the ‘job’ is being done. This can greatly influence how well it’s accomplished.
  8. Narrative Background: This is the story behind why the ‘job’ needs to be done. It gives the reason behind the project and makes the ‘job’ relatable.
  9. Stakeholders: Identify all the stakeholders who have a role in or can influence the ‘job’ to be done. This includes both internal and external stakeholders.
  10. Shared Values: Identify the core values that will guide the execution of the ‘job’ and how these align with the stakeholders.
  11. Situational Challenges and Advantages: Identify the challenges and advantages in the ‘job’ environment that could impact how it’s accomplished.
  12. Timeframes: This is about when the ‘job’ needs to be done. Establish clear start and end dates that align with the ‘job’ requirements.
  13. Additional Opportunities and Possible Solutions: Identify other ‘jobs’ that could be done in the process of accomplishing the main one, or alternative ways the main ‘job’ could be done.
  14. Selected Strategy: Formulate a clear strategy based on understanding the ‘job’ and how it can best be done. This includes identifying the benefits and risks associated with the chosen strategy.
  15. Deliverables: These are the outputs that result from doing the ‘job’. Identify what these will be, and how they will contribute to accomplishing the ‘job’.
  16. Estimated Cost: Determine what resources will be needed to do the ‘job’, and estimate their cost.
  17. Implementation Strategy: Develop a plan for how the ‘job’ will be done, including task management and resource planning.
  18. Roles: Identify who will do what in the process of accomplishing the ‘job’.
  19. Communication and Financial Plan: Develop plans for communication and finance that align with the needs of the ‘job’.
  20. Schedule: Create a timeline for the ‘job’ that includes key milestones and activities.
  21. References and Credits: Acknowledge the sources of information or resources that contributed to defining the ‘job’ and planning its accomplishment.
  22. Signed By: Ensure commitment from leadership to do the ‘job’ and fulfill the charter.
  23. About Us and Contact Us: Provide information about the organization that’s committed to doing the ‘job’, including contact information

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